Monday, 24 April 2017

Connecting essay 1

This is an image taken by Bernd and Hilla Becher what is shown in my photographer research. I really find the "barn" style of building really interesting. The main aspect of this image much like all the images above which I think stands out is the composition of this image because it is clear that they did not go to this building quickly take a picture and then walk away, it appears to be carefully framed. This would have been with a tripod- thus showing me when I come to shooting this project, I need to carefully frame the aspect I want to frame, make sure it is neat with the lines appearing to be parallel to each other. This way I believe it makes a much more interesting and intriguing image for my audience to look at. Even though as already mentioned my camera would be unable to frame a building like this especially where I am focusing my project on as all the housing are very close together, I wouldn't be able to go back far enough
This is an image in which I have taken myself. The main aspect of this image what I find interesting is the state it is in. I have never actually seen this open which leads me to believe it is empty and has been for many years now. As you can see at the top of the building their is a crucifix, implying this is a place of worship, a very small church, yet perhaps due to a lack of funding it was unable to continue opening. Furthermore, this building is very much forgotten about in Waltham Abbey, many people do not even know that it is there which I find quite interesting in itself. Another aspect to this image which I find intriguing is the composition- I have captured a clear amount between each side between the edge of the frame and the building. I find the building itself quite interesting because if there was a lack of a Christian symbol I wouldn't have thought this to be related to a church. When I first saw this building I originally was lead to believe it was a shed, until obviously I saw the cross. 
I believe that these two image connect really well. This therefore shows how Bernd and Hilla helped influence the work of this project. Firstly, the key connection between these two images it the building which is in the frame. They both appear to have a "barn-like" appearance, even though neither of these are actually a barn. Additionally, as the image of Bernd and Hilla was part of my research I already had in my mind the composition in which I wanted to try and recreate and I believe these images strongly connect in terms of the composition. For example, even though the image I shot is of a much smaller building, the structure of space around the building in the frame is very similar to the spacing around the frame. Even though Bernd and Hilla's piece is in black and white and this verision of this image is not, when I edited this image in black and white, it was so similar to the image above. Although I wanted to present my image in colour in this particular post because I wanted to show how even though these images do connect, I wanted to have may own influence on the work as well.

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