This image is very minimalistic which is clearly as already mentioned which I personally find really intriguing because there isn't much distracting the audience. I also find the camera framing/angle really interesting. Baltz has taken this image at a narrow framing so the audience cannot see the entire of the building, yet you are still given enough to figure out that it is a very run down building. Furthermore, as the angle is head on, it is clear that this image was taken on a tripod as the leading lines in the middle of the image of the ladder are perfectly straight. Additionally, I find it really interesting how Baltz has shown a transition of colour in this image, starting on the left the wall looks really dark yet it is hard to work out whether it is this colour due to shadowing or paint, then are the image spans out, there is a light transition as the image becomes brighter. I think this is really interesting because when looking at the other work by Baltz, they have mainly been over exposed in this manner which I think works really well because it could be argued that Baltz wanted to create irony within this particular image. As this appears to be a run down building passers by may look at this image in a more "dark"/ negative light, however this image "puts light"/ positivity on something normally ignored and pushed aside.

This is a second image by Baltz which I find further interesting in the work of structures because the editing has been used in this image to raise the contrast- the trees in the middle and on the right are much darker than the surrounding building. Much like the image above, you as the audience are able to see very little of the building, just one side of it. I think this is a really good and intriguing aspect of taking images of structures because Baltz has shown that you do not have to see the entire building to gain a view. However, it is also symbolic especially with this particular image because this image appears to be at the back of a building however who is to say what the front of the building/ other sides look like? This could actually be a really nice building, Baltz has just taken one aspect of the building to form the stereotypical view of a derelict building. This can therefore be symbolic because the angle Baltz has taken this image is of a narrow angle, implying he is signifying the narrow-minded view of people in today's society, they only look at one aspect of something and build up a view on that part whilst ignoring the rest of the information.

I decided to choose this image as well to analyse because I believe this style of photography would be really interesting to explore within my coming project. This is because Baltz has really thought about the composition and framing of this image, focusing on centralising the door with the rest of the frame at quite minimal, which personally I find really affective. Personally I believe this image really links well with the intentions of Baltz of showing the industrialisation damaging landscape because you can see this image hasn't be kept. One of the stereotypes of spare time many years ago for the working class would have been gardening, this is where the stereotype for if you had a tan you were considered working class because you spend more time outside. However, as time has progressed, there has been less time for things such as gardening. Which is relevant to this particular image because it appears to be over grown and un kept. Furthermore, I personally do not like shadowing across my images, however this one has two lines of shadowing across the building which could account for symbolic reasoning- for example, no one has been present in this house for many years and there fore has became abandoned.
This is one of the older images which I found for Lewis Baltz which I find really effective because much like the other images in his series the minimalistic approach to this composition can hold a massive effect upon the audience. For example, the bold colouring within this image is really interesting because the wash out effect has given this image a contrast, showing the difference between the white door/ building and the blacked out window and wooden frame above the door. Another aspect of this image which I find really interesting is the position in which Baltz decided to take this image, he could have framed the image so it was just the front of the house, however he decided to have the broken and destroyed up land in the foreground third which I personally find more effective because it gives a bigger insight to the audience for the atmosphere of the "run down" effect. It is clear that through the use of blur and composition the audience are able to build a perspective of the surrounding location- this wouldn't be situated in a "wealthy" estate, it would appear to be part of the working class estate.
Influence and summary...
Much like other photographers I have researched, the style and composition has been the main/ key factor in influencing my work because much like the work of Baltz here, it showed me when I went out to complete the shoots to keep in mind the angle I take the images in. For this image I have presented above displays how researching Baltz had an influence on the outcome of my work because, if you look at the final image above, I took several images such as this one presenting the front of a house. However, I was un able to complete the image exactly like Baltz because I weren't able to walk back any further because this was down a row of houses either side and if I went back any further, I would have been in the opposite houses garden.