Jason E. Powell
This image combining "Washington under construction" is really intriguing and I believe it links really well with my chosen topic of historic manufactured structures but on certain shoots I hope to do a similar effect on comparing the old with the new- what has replaced what used to be. For this image, I found on the website that Powell found it quite difficult to line up together as the original image was taken higher up and as there wasn't anything for Powell to stand on he had to make it work as best as he could. This therefore is useful in showing me that when I come to shooting, I may find this as an issue which I will need to try and overcome- for example not doing it in this exact style and just placing the two images next to each other instead. This image is important to me personally as a photographer researching this style of work because I believe when looking deeper into the symbolism of this work, it shows how many people take buildings for granted now- no one cares about how these buildings came about, the amount of work that had to go into it to get to where it is now; even if people may see this image and just think it is of an old image on top of a new image, this therefore would have been the denotation for this image.
This image combining "Washington under construction" is really intriguing and I believe it links really well with my chosen topic of historic manufactured structures but on certain shoots I hope to do a similar effect on comparing the old with the new- what has replaced what used to be. For this image, I found on the website that Powell found it quite difficult to line up together as the original image was taken higher up and as there wasn't anything for Powell to stand on he had to make it work as best as he could. This therefore is useful in showing me that when I come to shooting, I may find this as an issue which I will need to try and overcome- for example not doing it in this exact style and just placing the two images next to each other instead. This image is important to me personally as a photographer researching this style of work because I believe when looking deeper into the symbolism of this work, it shows how many people take buildings for granted now- no one cares about how these buildings came about, the amount of work that had to go into it to get to where it is now; even if people may see this image and just think it is of an old image on top of a new image, this therefore would have been the denotation for this image.
Julien Knez
This image is very similar to the one above which I think is really interesting because it was taken by different photographers, this one unlike the one above how doesn't focus on how the building was made but actually what events used to take place in this place where people walk past every day without realising it. For example in this specific image, Knez has shown how in this part of town, there used to be war turrets- as a safety weapon, therefore the connotation of this would be displaying to the public how somewhere people walk past everyday, perhaps on there way to work, used to be the place of destruction- a gun having to be positioned there as a way to help the town fight back against enemies. Much like the image above, the work of Knez is therefore really useful in my research of my project because I would like to create though provoking series of images which would make my audience "look again" at what things used to be like.
This image is very similar to the one above which I think is really interesting because it was taken by different photographers, this one unlike the one above how doesn't focus on how the building was made but actually what events used to take place in this place where people walk past every day without realising it. For example in this specific image, Knez has shown how in this part of town, there used to be war turrets- as a safety weapon, therefore the connotation of this would be displaying to the public how somewhere people walk past everyday, perhaps on there way to work, used to be the place of destruction- a gun having to be positioned there as a way to help the town fight back against enemies. Much like the image above, the work of Knez is therefore really useful in my research of my project because I would like to create though provoking series of images which would make my audience "look again" at what things used to be like.
Michael Topley
For this image, I find it much more interesting than just "a picture of old castle ruins". When you look at this image, you can create a story in your mind about what used to be. This is an image of castle ruins in England which I think is truly intriguing because even though the country is slowly becoming modernising- old buildings are beginning to be replaced with more updated buildings, there are still standing ruins left of the past. I think another aspect of this image which I like is the fact that Topley decided to only include a small aspect of the ruins, thus making the surroundings of countryside visible to the audience. I personally believe the countryside background combined with the standing ruins are so beautiful making it so interesting.
Douglas Scott
When I found this image I was really intriuged because alongside hoping to capture new and old images, I also hope to get images of different shops/ pubs within my town, this is because most of the buildings in my town are listed buildings which means from when they were built, the outside can never change. Which even though I couldn't find much context alongside this image, I did find that it is from a small British town which I think is visible from the small footpath showing at the bottom of the frame- half of it is paved the other is cobbled stones which I think highlights the "small town" aspect. Furthermore, just from looking at this building, I think it is clear that it is a very old building and is quite likely to have been a pub the majority of the time of the building being around. Some of the audience may look at this image and think that it is quite boring as it is just an image of the front of a pub. However, I think different; this is such as intriguing building. This is because I believe it is possible for the audience to personify this building- the cracks along the top suggests this building to be of age; it has began to have wrinkles. But also the old style bold framing of the windows and doors have been updated by being painted. Also; even though the building itself wouldn't have changed, aspects such as the poster on the right hand side would have been a new aspect to the building.
When I found this image I was really intriuged because alongside hoping to capture new and old images, I also hope to get images of different shops/ pubs within my town, this is because most of the buildings in my town are listed buildings which means from when they were built, the outside can never change. Which even though I couldn't find much context alongside this image, I did find that it is from a small British town which I think is visible from the small footpath showing at the bottom of the frame- half of it is paved the other is cobbled stones which I think highlights the "small town" aspect. Furthermore, just from looking at this building, I think it is clear that it is a very old building and is quite likely to have been a pub the majority of the time of the building being around. Some of the audience may look at this image and think that it is quite boring as it is just an image of the front of a pub. However, I think different; this is such as intriguing building. This is because I believe it is possible for the audience to personify this building- the cracks along the top suggests this building to be of age; it has began to have wrinkles. But also the old style bold framing of the windows and doors have been updated by being painted. Also; even though the building itself wouldn't have changed, aspects such as the poster on the right hand side would have been a new aspect to the building.
Nigel Henderson
Even though this image is suggested to be taken around 1950s and I obviously cannot go back in time to take photos like this, I still thought this was useful in my research for this project because as mentioned before, most buildings in my town are listed buildings so the outside framework is still very similar to what it used to look like, for example old fashioned pubs (like the one above) but also shops and butchers. This particular image is actually really interesting because of the sheer amount of signs which are shown across the front of the building. Also, the audience are able to make a judgement about the difference in time back then and time now is really clear because if you zoom in to the posters, you can see the difference in money back then. I think therefore this image is really important in my research for this project as I would be able to show old fashioned building frames combined with modern day shops- modern day pricing which would counteract each other.
Kostas Styliadis

For this image, I couldn't find any context behind it however, I still wanted to include it within my research log because I think it is a different way of entering the mind of the audience. Some may believe this image just has the literal meaning/ denotation of a run down door which is in desperate need for a paint job. However, I personally find this particular image of a door to be so much more, it can hold and create a story. Doors are something which are used to hide something inside from people on the outside- "no-one knows what happens behind closed doors". However, when looking at the symbolism of a run down door such as this one could be used as a method of personification which I think is a really interesting and key way of interpreting a photograph of a building. For example, when I look at this door, I think that it has gone through so much, it is old and may have had so many different owners, gone through the whole colours of the rainbow, but at the end of the day it's just a door, a form of protection and isn't looked at any further.
Feije Riemersma

Kostas Styliadis
For this image, I couldn't find any context behind it however, I still wanted to include it within my research log because I think it is a different way of entering the mind of the audience. Some may believe this image just has the literal meaning/ denotation of a run down door which is in desperate need for a paint job. However, I personally find this particular image of a door to be so much more, it can hold and create a story. Doors are something which are used to hide something inside from people on the outside- "no-one knows what happens behind closed doors". However, when looking at the symbolism of a run down door such as this one could be used as a method of personification which I think is a really interesting and key way of interpreting a photograph of a building. For example, when I look at this door, I think that it has gone through so much, it is old and may have had so many different owners, gone through the whole colours of the rainbow, but at the end of the day it's just a door, a form of protection and isn't looked at any further.
Feije Riemersma
Much like the image above, I found this image on the same website so was unable to find any context behind the photo. However, I just found this image truly beautiful because of the simplicity it holds. Just by looking at this suggests to me personally that it is somewhere in a different country, somewhere hot. The reason I thought to include this photo was because I found the lacey effect of the balcony in eye catching as opposed to the simple patterns across the rest of the photo. This image has a very similar effect than the one above because many people may look at this photo and only see it as a picture of a door and no other specialities. However I think this door holds a greater symbolism- the wall framing the surrounding of the door is a dark "gloomy" colour which is contrasted by the bold colour of turquoise. This could be interpreted with what happens in this building isn't actually a nice place, it could be a place of suffering, however the bold colouring of the door combined with the life of a tree on the side could be the suggestion of a facade- a fake show that passers by could see these colours and think it is a lovely place, but really, only the people who truly know what it is like behind this door really know what it is like. Therefore I think it is an important idea for me for dedicate a series to doors because even though a door can tell one story behind the door is what is important.
Ryan Francis

Primark; An unethical shop which is known and somehow loved by hundreds of thousand people. Although much like all other shops, or buildings in fact weren't always there before and what many people avoid learning is what was there beforehand? Was is an old family shop which went out of business because people stopped shopping there? Either way, behind every modern building lies a story which was once standing but has now been demolished/ removed from new generation memories. Both of these images are both placed within Bristol which was "bombed so badly during the war" (as shown on the website I sourced the image from), thus showing how in placement of that destruction the modern world of exploitation of capitalism has been able to replace the damage instead. At first sight this image hold denotations of just being a new vs old image. However as already spoken about when viewing the context of how this is the place which was once damaged in the war creates connotations of horrible memories such as death of bombings are modernised instead of being remember in forms of shops- to earn money from the public.
Justin Plukett

Even though this isn't a "real" structure, I believe it fits really well with my idea of this project because Plukett has manually constructed this through editing techniques. The series which this image belongs with are a gloomy series of images with the intentions of "encouraging exploration and questioning" which personally I find really intriguing with photography such as this one. Therefore I think this image is relevant within my project because even though I will be approaching manufactured structures in a documentary style- not manipulating it in any way, I find the work of Plukett together with the hidden meaning is interesting for something I should include within my work. For example, bringing forth the questioning of what things where really like before us as an individual- what our grandparents lived like, what the shops used to be like. With this specific image, someone may believe it just appears to be a jumble of different buildings all placed together in a random order. However, this can lead to a deeper connotation when looking at the smybolism in which this image creates. The atmosphere in this image appears to be "desperate", in a slum like area. Perhaps this is what Plukett had intended- there are hundereds of slums around the world even in richer countries, they are just pushed aside and ignored, although if all the ill made buildings were placed together in a format such as this one- it may bring more attention, the buildings people are forced to live in are dangerous made of scrap materials for shelter; place all these buildings together then it would be even worse- raising the question of what is needed for something to be done about poverty stricken areas?
David Sanger

I find this image really interesting when involving the context because this widens the connotations in which it creates. This image was found in the series of images by Sanger labelled "facade"- defining as something which hides the truth. This image was taken in Canada, although the date is unknown this could reveal deeper symbolism to this photo than just being a red house. First of of with the denotation of this photographer framing this house with both the door and window in perfect aligning could have just been luck. However, the colour red can also symbolise blood; death. Perhaps the people who lived near this house were suffering a great loss or the area had just faced something devastating. Therefore, I think this is clear to be a good reason in order to include this image within my research for this project because I believe when looking at context of images such as this one, it can form greater meanings in the audiences mind- stories to below behind those closed doors, almost personifying the building itself which personally I believe is intriguing.
Much like the image above, I found this image on the same website so was unable to find any context behind the photo. However, I just found this image truly beautiful because of the simplicity it holds. Just by looking at this suggests to me personally that it is somewhere in a different country, somewhere hot. The reason I thought to include this photo was because I found the lacey effect of the balcony in eye catching as opposed to the simple patterns across the rest of the photo. This image has a very similar effect than the one above because many people may look at this photo and only see it as a picture of a door and no other specialities. However I think this door holds a greater symbolism- the wall framing the surrounding of the door is a dark "gloomy" colour which is contrasted by the bold colour of turquoise. This could be interpreted with what happens in this building isn't actually a nice place, it could be a place of suffering, however the bold colouring of the door combined with the life of a tree on the side could be the suggestion of a facade- a fake show that passers by could see these colours and think it is a lovely place, but really, only the people who truly know what it is like behind this door really know what it is like. Therefore I think it is an important idea for me for dedicate a series to doors because even though a door can tell one story behind the door is what is important.
Ryan Francis
Primark; An unethical shop which is known and somehow loved by hundreds of thousand people. Although much like all other shops, or buildings in fact weren't always there before and what many people avoid learning is what was there beforehand? Was is an old family shop which went out of business because people stopped shopping there? Either way, behind every modern building lies a story which was once standing but has now been demolished/ removed from new generation memories. Both of these images are both placed within Bristol which was "bombed so badly during the war" (as shown on the website I sourced the image from), thus showing how in placement of that destruction the modern world of exploitation of capitalism has been able to replace the damage instead. At first sight this image hold denotations of just being a new vs old image. However as already spoken about when viewing the context of how this is the place which was once damaged in the war creates connotations of horrible memories such as death of bombings are modernised instead of being remember in forms of shops- to earn money from the public.
Justin Plukett
Even though this isn't a "real" structure, I believe it fits really well with my idea of this project because Plukett has manually constructed this through editing techniques. The series which this image belongs with are a gloomy series of images with the intentions of "encouraging exploration and questioning" which personally I find really intriguing with photography such as this one. Therefore I think this image is relevant within my project because even though I will be approaching manufactured structures in a documentary style- not manipulating it in any way, I find the work of Plukett together with the hidden meaning is interesting for something I should include within my work. For example, bringing forth the questioning of what things where really like before us as an individual- what our grandparents lived like, what the shops used to be like. With this specific image, someone may believe it just appears to be a jumble of different buildings all placed together in a random order. However, this can lead to a deeper connotation when looking at the smybolism in which this image creates. The atmosphere in this image appears to be "desperate", in a slum like area. Perhaps this is what Plukett had intended- there are hundereds of slums around the world even in richer countries, they are just pushed aside and ignored, although if all the ill made buildings were placed together in a format such as this one- it may bring more attention, the buildings people are forced to live in are dangerous made of scrap materials for shelter; place all these buildings together then it would be even worse- raising the question of what is needed for something to be done about poverty stricken areas?
David Sanger
I find this image really interesting when involving the context because this widens the connotations in which it creates. This image was found in the series of images by Sanger labelled "facade"- defining as something which hides the truth. This image was taken in Canada, although the date is unknown this could reveal deeper symbolism to this photo than just being a red house. First of of with the denotation of this photographer framing this house with both the door and window in perfect aligning could have just been luck. However, the colour red can also symbolise blood; death. Perhaps the people who lived near this house were suffering a great loss or the area had just faced something devastating. Therefore, I think this is clear to be a good reason in order to include this image within my research for this project because I believe when looking at context of images such as this one, it can form greater meanings in the audiences mind- stories to below behind those closed doors, almost personifying the building itself which personally I believe is intriguing.
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