What I actually achieved:
I personally believe this is the strongest image in this shoot because it shows the difference in the growth of society. Originally the pub was only one sided (as shown in the original image). However over time the pub has extended buying the building next to it making it double the size. This is the key difference to the images. Additionally, as when the original image was taken there was very little cars, they weren't dangerous as not many would drive around, this meant that down "Sun Street"- the high street in Waltham Abbey with originally a road, however now you can slightly see in the newer image there are blocking barriers so people can no longer drive up it, this is because due to the sheer amount of drivers now, if the high street still had a road it would have been very dangerous as there wouldn't be enough space, although the road wouldn't have been able extend the roads as the buildings cannot be removed. Furthermore, another key difference of the newer image contrasting the older image is that there is a tree in front of the building now.
Even though there isn't much difference to talk about within this image I still wanted to talk about it in the record because I believe it is a good example about how somethings are always changing as we can see in the other images displayed in the last three shoots, somethings will never change. This is the building of the towns museum and I find the building itself really interesting because it is clear on how old it really is, even factors such as the windows are all still the same. Even though the audience cannot tell this in the image, I find it really intriguing because it shows how even though the outside of something never changes, the inside of the museum has recently been refurbished and is now completely modern. Personally I find this symbolic itself showing how you can never judge a book by itself cover- thus building on the personification of this building in this image, the audience are unaware of what is inside, this time last year the museum was only two floors and the entrance was through the library (next door) but now it is 3 floors and has it's own entrance with the key change of having mobility lifts making it so much more accessible. Therefore I think this shows how even though not much has appeared to have changed, when you look deeper into the context of the building and what is inside shows how looks can be completely deceiving- something that may appear old and outdated can actually be the most modern/ renovated building on the high street at this point in time.
I find this image has such irony straight away. Originally this building was used as a pub, now it is used for a healthy food shop showing a complete contrast and polarisation in different activities, one can damage you in terms of your health and the other one makes you fitter and is beneficial for you. I think this therefore shows the difference in how society is changing, facts such as healthy eating has became so much more important than it used to be, thus increasing the living age. However, even though the prospects of the difference in these images are really interesting, I do believe this is my weakest image within this shoot purely due to the composition of the new image. As I went down the abbey on market day, I was blocked off by a market stall so I couldn't get the angle I needed to resemble the original photo. Therefore, if I was able to capture the correct angle I do believe this image would have been much stronger for my audience.
What I am doing next:
As I am not intending to do anymore Old Vs New shoots for my preparatory shoots my next step is to take my learning from the last 3 shoots in the exam shoot which I am intending to do. Firstly, I hope to re-shoot the final image in this blog during my exam shoot because as I've already mentioned I do believe it would have so much more irony and be much stronger if I was able to get the correct composition. Furthermore, I have learned from this shoot that even though some of the buildings would be interesting to compare, unless I use building such as the shoots which have massively changed- a butchers to a bank- the photos aren't as interesting and intriguing as other photos I have created in the last three shoots.
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